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Fazenda Rio Brilhante (Brazil)

Regular price £10.00

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Flavour Description: Mango, Nougat, Pecan. 

Producer: Inacio Carlos Urban. 

Region / Country:  Coromandel, Cerrado Mineiro, Brazil.

Varietal: Yellow Bourbon.

Process: Natural Process.

Price paid to producer (FOB): $2.50 per lb. 

Inacio Carlos Urban arrived in Minas Gerais in 1976 with the dream of producing great coffee using sustainable and innovative practices. Inacio purchased his own farm in 1984 named Rio Brilhante, translating to Bright River, giving recognition to the clear waters of the beautiful river which provides life to his farm. Rio Brilhante has gone on to become one of the best regarded farms in the region, spanning over 2000 hectares. Since planting the first coffee trees 30 years ago, Inacio still strives for quality and excellence which is largely achieved through hard work, dedication and rigorous quality control methods.
We first visited Rio Brilhante in 2019 and were amazed by the quality and consistency of the coffee produced. We now purchase from Rio Brilhante annually through a direct relationship model. This lot in particular is a yellow bourbon varietal processed using a natural method. This combination of varietal, process and careful quality control brings an upfront tropical flavour followed by a complex nutty sweetness with a pleasantly lingering nougat finish. This coffee is suitable for all brewing methods. 

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