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Our Commitment To Sustainability

Since 2018, River Coffee has been sourcing, roasting and supplying differently, making a positive social and environmental impact. Working directly with coffee producers and communities, whilst considering our impact throughout our supply chain, we have initiated projects to reduce emissions and enhance transparency. As River Coffee develops and grows we strive to broaden our Projects, keeping up to date with the ever changing and fast moving business environment. Please read more about our projects below.

Direct Sourcing

Our journey starts in coffee producing countries, with the business plan for 'River Coffee' being created on a farm in Costa Rica. Sourcing coffee lies at the heart of our business. We believe that relationships with coffee producers are essential as we would not be here without suppliers. We only buy speciality graded coffee, paying higher percentages than Fairtrade and other NGO's can offer. Through relationships we've developed in coffee producing countries we can ensure the premiums we pay for coffee go directly to the producers who grew it. We stay constantly connected with coffee producers we work with, collaborating on upcoming coffee selections. 

Zero Waste

Roasted coffee needs to be packaged correctly to stay within optimal freshness. But with the rates some wholesale partners use coffee we looked to find a solution to cut out packaging waste without sacrificing quality. We launched our re-usable 2 kilogram tub programme and so far have saved over 40,000 units of bag packaging going into landfill.

Get In Touch

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